are used as a tracer and radiation sources
this section we will discuss two use of radioisotopes, namely as a tracer
(tracer) and the source of radiation. The use of radioisotopes as tracer is
based on the bond that radioactive isotopes have similar chemical properties
with stable isotopes. So carry a radioactive isotope of a chemical reaction,
the same as stable isotopes. While the use of radioisotopes as radiation
sources based on the fact that the radiation produced by radioactive substances
can affect material well being. Radiation can be used to give physical effects:
chemical effects, as well as biological effects.
1. Use of radioisotopes as a tracer in
biological systems.
to the radiation emitted by each element of radioisotope enters the body of
animals, humans or plants can be followed trail and temperament. The existence
of an element in the body of animals, humans or plants declared by the content
of the tissue or organ radioaktifannya both quantitative and qualitative.
Radioisotopes in physiological
processes in plants
Levels of radioactivity in plant parts other than specified
by chopping can also be done with autoradiography technique with the help of
x-ray film.
Elements of radioactive phosphorus 32P
into culture media which give water a particular plant can be traced to
chemical and biological behavior observed with the help of enumerators.
Determination of radioactivity in
plants by autoradiography techniques may include several stages of processing
Cut and separate the top of the plant
(without roots) that has absorbed elements of 32P for the miraculous moment.
Then the plants were pressed in
cardboard and then dried until the water does not contain elements.
Samples of plants were then covered
with a sheet of x-ray film and leave for some time in the darkroom.
After the x-ray films are washed, the
plant will look projected image on the film. The more black the color of the
plants on the film, the greater the levels of radioactive elements in it. On
the positive image x-ray films look positively state the opposite, the white
color of the plant the greater the accumulation of radioactive elements there.
general, tissue radioactivity or elements declared by the radioactivity levels
(% of administered radioactivity / gram of tissue or organ) or in retention of
radioactivity (% of applied radioactivity / total weight of the tissue or
kinds of physiological processes in plants and animals are studied with the aid
of radiation techniques, among others are:
Studying the process of photosynthesis
Studying the absorption, the spread of
biological elements (compounds) specific to the crop.
Study the absorption of an element
through the roots or leaves
Radioisotopes in physiological
processes in animals
1) the spread of the biology and metabolism of certain
elements or compounds shopped study the behavior of a type of micro or macro
elements can be done using radioisotopes of the element.
Example: The element iodine is needed by the body of mammals for the formation of the hormone thyroxine which took place in the thyroid gland. Given the nature of biological and chemical elements radiomuklida I and I-131 are the same then the radioisotope I-131 can be revealed from the absorption, distribution biology to metabolism in a relatively fast.
Example: The element iodine is needed by the body of mammals for the formation of the hormone thyroxine which took place in the thyroid gland. Given the nature of biological and chemical elements radiomuklida I and I-131 are the same then the radioisotope I-131 can be revealed from the absorption, distribution biology to metabolism in a relatively fast.
2) the metabolic pathway of a particular element or compound
Biological and chemical behavior of radionuclides ca_45
since the food up to the secretion of breast milk in animals have clearly and
definitely reflects the metabolic pathway of macro elements calcium. Likewise
with the behavior of compounds or other important vitamins in the body of
animals can be observed easily and surely by using radioactive compounds.
3) binding of a given element in the body tissues
With the help of radio isotope P-32 then the spread of P
element biology derived from food until teriat in bone tissue and the skull can
be solved with a clear,
4) passing the placenta of a particular element.
As it is known that during pregnancy the placenta may serve
as a barrier for a given element so it can not enter the fetus. Then passing
the placenta of a particular element or compound both useful and harmful to the
fenus can be clearly known thanks to the help of radio-isotopes or elements
marked with the intended compound.
5) Studying the behavioral ecology of insects or small animals
insect or animal body containing ketch (bring) radioisotopes with small levels of radioactivity, will be followed or tracked his movements and behavior. Important information can help solve the ecological aspects of these organisms. in this case the technique of marking or liability can be done include:
5) Studying the behavioral ecology of insects or small animals
insect or animal body containing ketch (bring) radioisotopes with small levels of radioactivity, will be followed or tracked his movements and behavior. Important information can help solve the ecological aspects of these organisms. in this case the technique of marking or liability can be done include:
a. in contact directly, namely by applying a solution of
isotope necessary to the body of an insect or small animal
b. by providing a solution to the media rasioisotop
necessary food or drink intended organism
c. by giving a solution of radioisotopes as necessary to
place the habitat where the organisms that live in the larva, pupa or imago.
Kinds of behavioral information ecology of insects (animals) which can be obtained in this way include: distance flown, widespread distribution, food preferences, the determination of predators and so on.
Kinds of behavioral information ecology of insects (animals) which can be obtained in this way include: distance flown, widespread distribution, food preferences, the determination of predators and so on.
2. Utilization of Radiation Effects in the
Field of Medicine
Beginning of the use of radiation in
the field of medicine has lasted long enough. At that time the doctors in
Europe and America are interested in the discovery of WC Roentgen which states
that by using X-ray film images can be made of bone or bone of the skull of
someone's head. It becomes interesting because of the bone or the skull of a
patient can be observed and studied carefully for diagnostic purposes. Meanwhile,
the use of radiation effects for the purpose of healing has been preceded by
several successes such as:
In 1897, L Freund has succeeded in
eliminating the kind of abnormality (there is a growing feathers) on the skin
of someone with a radiate manner.
in 1899, J.T steinbek and T.A.V.
Sjogrein has managed to heal a person's skin tumors in patients with nasal
radiate manner.
Of the many reports of success, there
are also reports of side effects after irradiated. Among the side effects are:
there has been a skin erythema (skin
reyhema), a kind of florid symptoms of the patient's skin after treatment with
broadcasting X.
there has been a symptom of hair loss
in someone's head who had been irradiated as reported by J. Danielz (th 1896)
and Cancer Healing Efforts
Radiation can inhibit cell division
process that can cause death in cells and tissues that when inhibition takes
place continuously. As is known tissue or cancer cells have the power of the
division which is much higher than in normal cells and healthy. Then by law
bergonnie _tribondau, class these cancer cells are more radiosensitive than normal cells. So by way
radiate the cancer (tumor) in a particular tissue or organ can be cured
and Making Radiovaksin
Radiation can weaken the microorganisms
or diseases which can then be used to manufacture the vaccine from a particular
disease. The vaccine thus obtained is known as "radiovaksin".
Example: radiovaksin for sleeping sickness in Africa and
radiovaksin for worm disease in cattle and others.
and setrilisasi Pest Enterprises
Radiation can be used to sterilize some
equipment or materials need a doctor, because microbes or germs will die from
lethal doses radiaation.
Examples: medical equipment (knives, scissors, needles, tweezers) or other medical materials (cotton, bandages, and others) have been successfully sterilized with radiation.
Examples: medical equipment (knives, scissors, needles, tweezers) or other medical materials (cotton, bandages, and others) have been successfully sterilized with radiation.
of Radioisotopes As the tracer in the Field of Medicine
Based on the level of radioactivity of a radioisotope or chemical compounds marked with (radioactive) which can be detected in certain body tissues or organs, various kinds of information for purposes of medical diagnosis can be obtained. The results of radioactivity counting tissue or organ can be seen shortly after irradiated with either the scale or digital number on the device enumerator.
Based on the level of radioactivity of a radioisotope or chemical compounds marked with (radioactive) which can be detected in certain body tissues or organs, various kinds of information for purposes of medical diagnosis can be obtained. The results of radioactivity counting tissue or organ can be seen shortly after irradiated with either the scale or digital number on the device enumerator.
From the other side of the element or compound can also
provide an overview of the tissues or organs were observed. In the observations
there is a difference between tissues or organs are healthy or unhealthy. This
is caused by differences in metabolic rate and accumulation of radioactive
compounds was by tissue or organ.
Various types of radio-isotopes used as a tracer to detect
(diagnose) the various types of disease al: technetium (Tc-99), thallium-201
(Ti-201), iodine 131 (1-131), sodium-24 (Na-24), ksenon-133 (XE-133) and iron
(Fe-59). Tc-99 are injected into the blood vessels will
absorbed mainly by damaged tissue in certain organs, such as heart, liver and lungs contrast Ti-201 will mainly be absorbed by healthy tissue in the heart organ. Therefore, the two isotopes are used together to detect heart damage 1-131 will be absorbed by the thyroid gland, liver and certain parts of the brain.
absorbed mainly by damaged tissue in certain organs, such as heart, liver and lungs contrast Ti-201 will mainly be absorbed by healthy tissue in the heart organ. Therefore, the two isotopes are used together to detect heart damage 1-131 will be absorbed by the thyroid gland, liver and certain parts of the brain.
Therefore, 1-131 can be used to detect damage to the
thyroid, liver and to detect brain tumors. Salt solution containing Na-24 is
injected into the blood vessels to detect the presence of circulatory disorders
such as whether there is a blockage by detecting gamma rays emitted by the
isotope Sodium TSB.
Xe-133 is used to detect lung disease. P-32 for eye disease,
and liver tumors. Fe-59 to study the formation of red blood cells. Sometimes, radioisotopes
are used for diagnosis, are also used for therapy at a dose that is more robust
for example, 1-131 is also used for thyroid cancer therapy.
Studying the behavior of Biology and Chemical Elements In A Body
Both the biological behavior (absorption, distribution, accumulation, metabolism) and chemical properties (changes in biochemical compound form) compound atan an important element in the body can be expressed thanks to the radioactive tracer technique.
Studying the behavior of Biology and Chemical Elements In A Body
Both the biological behavior (absorption, distribution, accumulation, metabolism) and chemical properties (changes in biochemical compound form) compound atan an important element in the body can be expressed thanks to the radioactive tracer technique.
So by knowing information about the absorption,
distribution, accumulation, metabolism of radioactive iodine 131 I element in
the body and have obtained the same information about the data elements that
are not radioatif iodine. This is caused by biological and chemical properties
of radioisotopes 131 I and I are very similar elements.
Some radioactive elements have biological and chemical properties other elements.
Some radioactive elements have biological and chemical properties other elements.
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